Friday 27 April 2018

Mother's Day

Mother's Day 

Mothers are a very special and unique gift of GOD, these are the beings that are created to take care of their children with love. Indeed it is something special if you have been blessed with mother as many orphans living on the streets does not have this blessing.

A mother is the one who solely takes the risk and pain of giving birth to a child and her uneasiness started from earlier pregnancy and will continue until the birth of the child and after this she dedicates her whole life for their children and continue to look after her children until they have grown up.

Such personality surely deserves to be treated not less then a queen but unfortunately it not like this and mothers in most parts of the world are left to be live alone in their elder age where they have to pass their days in the memories of their children where she used to play, sing, laugh and rejoice together and the children forget their past and all the favors of their mother onto them.
Let's make this Mother's Day a day to pay back your mothers for all the love, care and hard work she did for you and not only this day but every day of our life.

Love your mother!! you have given only one chance to love her...


Important Events in May

Some important days in the month of May 

May is the month which is considered as the month of spring through out the world, it has some unique days which have their significance importance and the details are as follows:

1. May Day: 

May Day, the first of May is celebrated around the world. It has a number of meanings. In many other countries it is a celebration of spring and the coming of summer. It is celebrated with many spring flowers, many of them blooming right in your own backyard. To communist and socialist countries, it is a celebration for the workers.
In many countries it is celebrated as part of a one to three day holiday. Of particular note, it is not a national holiday in the United States, except in Hawaii where it is known as "Lei Day".

2. Loyalty Day:

 Loyalty Day is an opportunity to express and reaffirm our loyalty to our country. In proclaiming this day, President George W. Bush wrote: "We express allegiance to our Nation and its founding ideals, we resolve to ensure that the blessings of liberty endure and extend for generations to come."
But, this day did not start with George Bush' proclamation. It dates back to the 1920's.
On Loyalty Day, we reaffirm our allegiance to our country and resolve to uphold the vision of our Forefathers. We should also take a moment to appreciate the members of our armed forces who are displaying the ultimate in loyalty and service to protect our freedoms, and liberty, and our way of life.

Origin of Loyalty Day:
Loyalty Day was first celebrated in the 1920's. Communism was on the rise, and feared in America. At the time, May Day (May 1st) was perceived by some as a Communist holiday. In a sense, Loyalty Day was intended to counter this.
The U.S. Congress made this an official holiday on July 18, 1958 with the signing of Public Law 85-529. Then President Dwight D. Eisenhower, proclaimed May 1, 1959 the first official observance of Loyalty Day

3.  Garden Meditation Day:

Always on May 3
Walk out to your garden. Roll out your meditation mat, and assume a yoga position, as today is Garden Meditation Day.
Every gardener knows that gardening is good for the mind, body, and soul. It is also known that meditation gives us inner peace and tranquility. It helps us to connect with ourselves, and even with nature. So, Garden Meditation Day is an outstanding merging of the values and benefits of gardening and meditation.
Per C.L, Fornari, the creator of this special day:
"Garden meditation day honors the fact that when we're working in the landscape we have the opportunity, if we choose to take it, to let the rest of the world fall away. This is indeed what meditation is: letting go of all thoughts, concerns, worries and focusing on just one this case, what we're doing in the garden. It is as calming as a mantra, or focusing on the breath, to name two common forms of meditation. So those who seek a spiritual retreat, a calming yoga experience, actually have that in their own backyards!"
How can we celebrate and participate in Garden Meditation Day? Fornari suggest "Pick one thing to do. It could be pulling weeds, planting seedlings, turning soil or spreading mulch. Go out with the idea that you'll spend X amount of time on that could be 20 minutes or two doesn't matter but be realistic. Leave your cell phone in the house. That's right, leave your phone behind! (You can do it.) As you work, focus only on what your task at hand is. When you notice other things that have to be done, thank your mind for mentioning those but tell yourself you'll think about those tasks later. Gently turn your mind and body back to the one job at hand every time you're distracted. At the end of your work, or when your time finishes, take satisfaction in what you've accomplished. A deep breath, and then return to the world."
For those of us who are already gardeners, we know this feeling full well. For those of you yet to try your hand at gardening, use today to find the joy, peace, serenity, and therapeutic value of gardening. You'll be glad you did
If you do not have a garden, and have no way of creating one, here are some great places to do your meditation today:
  • An Arboretum
  • A Botanical garden
  • A park
We hope you have a calm and peaceful Garden Meditation Day.

4. World Press Freedom Day:
 Always on May 3
World Press Freedom Day recognizes the value of freedom of expression, and the sacrifices journalist have made to attain this freedom. It was created, and is sponsored, by the United Nations. While we enjoy this freedom in the United States, freedom of the press, and freedom of expression, is not a given right in many countries.  
Each year, UNESCO awards the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize to someone who has made a major contribution towards journalistic freedom.
World Press Freedom Day activities include UN sponsored conferences and seminars on this issue. Teachers are encouraged to create lesson plans. As individuals, we can learn more about the issues. And, we can support efforts to further freedom of the press.

Origin and History of World Press Freedom Day:
In 1993, the UN General Assembly proclaimed May 3rd each year to be World Press Freedom Day.

5.  International Tuba Day: 

First Friday in May
International Tuba Day recognizes musicians around the world who struggle with the weight and size of their big instrument. It's truely an important musical instrument, that no concert or symphonic bandleader would want to be without. It's big, deep sounds provide lots of character and "Oomph" to concert music. Can you imagine a Tuba-less marching band!?
The tuba player has a big job. He lugs this heavy instrument around. He provides the big wind that makes a big impact in the musical world. If you see a Tuba player today, give them some well deserved recognition. If you are a Tuba player, then toot your horn (errr Tuba). We love 'ya!

Here's a few hefty Tuba factoids:
  • Tubas come in varying sizes, weighing from a dozen pounds to 50 pounds!
  • The Tuba was patented in 1835 by Wiebrecht and Moritz in Germany
  • The number of valves on a Tuba is not standardized. A Tuba can have 3,4,5 or six valves.

History and Origin of International Tuba Day:
International Tuba Day was founded by Joel Day in 1979. At the time, Joel was a tuba player in a band at Lower Merion High School in Philadelphia, Pa. He started it as a result of a lack of respect for tuba and tuba players by his fellow musicians.

6. Space Day and International Space Day:

Date When Celebrated: Always the first Friday in May
Space Day gives you the opportunity participate in the excitement and fascination of space. It's a topic of interest to millions, old and young alike. It's a topic as broad as the universe.
Former astronaut and Senator John Glenn expanded Space Day to International Space Day in 2001.
Originally started to get America's youth interested in math and science, Space Day focuses upon creating an interest and awareness of all kinds of topics and issues related to space. This holiday caught on quickly, and became wildly popular.
On this day all kinds of space relate organizations, groups and agencies hold celebrations, demonstrations, and educational programs.
Don't miss the opportunity to celebrate Space Day.  Find an event near you and ...go! Visit a science center, or observatory. Get out your telescope and view the heavens. Watch television documentaries on space. Make this a fun day and create your own celebration with your kids or in the workplace. Teachers... don't miss creating a special lesson plan for today. The kids will love it.

7. National Teacher's Day: 

Tuesday of the first full week of May
Everybody who does something good, important, and valuable deserves a day in their honor. Teachers certainly are among the most deserving. This day honors those hard working, patient and understanding people whom we entrust our children to. Teachers mold our kids in a positive direction, affecting who they are and who they become. From Kindergarten through college, teachers are an important part of our children's lives.
So let's give 'em their due. If you happen to be a teacher reading this, we personally offer our thanks,. The future of America is in your hands.
There is not a lot on the net written about Teacher's Day. But, every Ecard site has a selection of cards for you to send. Take a quick minute and send one along.

8.  Mother's Day:

Second Sunday in May
Everybody has a mother and absolutely no one is more special than mom. Sure, dad is really important. And, grandparent's too. But moms, well they are just the greatest. Often taken for granted, they are always our strongest supporter. You can't do wrong in Mom's eyes. When you are hurt, or not feeling well....there is no one else that can help you more than Mom. I saw this clearly recently as our son was in the emergency room. Sure, dad was an important presence. But, the look in my son's eyes with his mom by his side was certain affirmation of mom's comforting ways, and importance.
So go out and celebrate Mother's Day. First and foremost, spend time with her. If you absolutely can not be there, take time for a long phone call. Flowers, cards, candy and gifts are all part of the day. But, mom wants some time with you far more than anything else.

Did you know? The first Mother's Day was May 10, 1908 in Philadelphia.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Up coming Games 2018

Upcoming Games of 2018

Spider-Man (2018 video game)

Spider-Man is an upcoming action-adventure game based on the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man, developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 4. It will be the first licensed game developed by Insomniac. The game will tell a new story about Spider-Man that is not tied to a film, comic book or video game. It will cover both the Peter Parker and Spider-Man aspects of the character and will feature an older and more experienced Spider-Man. The game is scheduled to be released worldwide on September 7, 2018.

Apparently from the trailer it seems this game would be a blast for all the Spider man fans, lets hope it delivers up to the expectations.


Spider-Man is an action-adventure game set in an open world modern-day New York City and played from a third-person perspective. The player will be able to use Spider-Man's abilities such as web slinging and wall-crawling as well as new game play elements, one of which will be the ability to traverse using parkour. Environmental combat, quick time events and stealth will also be featured in the game.[1] Peter Parker (outside of his Spider-Man suit) will be playable in parts of the game and Mary Jane Watson will be playable in "key moments" of the game.

God of War PS4

Best 2018 release to date may also be the Game of the Generation

KRATOS, the God of War, is back, in a bold new adventure that's so good on PS4 Pro, it might have some Xbox One owners consider switching allegiances.

it might just be one of the greatest games of the current console generation. It shares such refined air with the likes of the Nintendo Switch's Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild release and only a handful more titles.
From a pure PS4 standpoint, is it better than Uncharted 4? Undoubtedly. What about Horizon: Zero Dawn? You bet! In truth, Cory Barlog and the team have likely set a new bar for Sony PlayStation to strive for with future releases
But in truth, we can't see many of their future first-party titles coming close to touching whats on offer here, with the exception, possibly, to The Last of Us 2. We'll explain more on that further down though.
The achievement is made, perhaps, even more amazing given the state in which God of War and the titular character of Kratos had been left in so many years ago.
With three games, a prequel and however many spin-off games to its name, God of War had lost its way. Badly. The rampaging, revenge-filled bloodshed that won over a whole generation of PlayStation owners in the 2000's had quickly worn thin.
But now, the future for God of War looks incredibly bright.
For the sake of anyone who may be coming into this fresh, the story picks up many years after the events of the original God of War trilogy.
Kratos has left behind his tragic Greek past having wandered the earth for an as yet undetermined amount of time, eventually forming a new family. He has a new wife, named Faye, a new son, Atreus. It's a fresh start for the Ghost of Sparta.
But the game picks up soon after the death of Kratos beloved wife and so begins a dangerous journey for Kratos and Atreus as they venture to the tallest mountain in Midgard to release his mother's ashes.
Like our preview, we're holding back on a few details here for not wanting to ruin any big surprises or discoveries.
But what's important, is that this is just the beginning of the journey and the pay off in the next 30-ish hours is remarkable. A fantastic coming of age story centred on the strained and beautiful relationship between Kratos and his estranged son.
Using films as a template, it's something akin to The Road, but set within the mysterious fantasy environment of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.
It's a story, unlike anything we've experienced in years. And only Joel and Ellie's story and relationship from The Last of Us comes close to matching up.
In short, it's special. Really special.


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