Monday 25 March 2013

5 Tips for Building Confidence

Der coolste Klinglton auf Deinem handy!

1. Fake it till you make it.

Der coolste Klinglton auf Deinem handy!
When you’re trying something new or difficult, there’s only so much you can know ahead of time.

2. Remember — not everyone has to like you.

Many of us are so afraid of annoying someone or being misunderstood that we’d rather not try at all. We’d rather dig a hole in the backyard and bury all our dreams in it.
Der coolste Klinglton auf Deinem handy!
But successful entrepreneurs and business people know that not everyone will like them, and that’s okay.

3. Develop a thick skin.

If you want to be confident, you have to learn how to cope with rejection. Once overcomed than you will feel comfortable than before.

4. Ask yourself: What’s really at stake?

We often have a hard time developing confidence because we’re too busy worrying about the future. It helps to ask yourself what’s really at stake here. If something goes wrong, what’s the worst thing that can possibly happen?
Whatever Happens Face it bravely.....

5. Still struggling? Try positive affirmations.

Dont get down with the situation keep trying....

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